Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Barbara's work: Bears and Ice-cream

Prva ilustracija je deo plakata koji sam radila za jedan konkurs. Zatim sam nastavila sa medama+sladoledi, s tim sto su ilustracije ispod predlozi za majice. Ispod sladoleda ce isto ici odredjen tekst, kao za medu iznad. U narednom periodu se bacam na olovku i papir, prilicno sam zanemarila, hajd da kazem, tradicionalne tehnike i jedva cekam da im se vratim.

The first illustration is a part of a poster I did for a Poster design contest. The second and the third illustration is my proposition for a t-shirt design. I'm not sure if it's ever going to be printed, because of some issues with the company, but I wanted to share this with you guys. Anyway, I'm in a bear mood, as you can see :) 


  1. Strava su! Svaki put se smorim... ;)

  2. Really like the top one especially with the colourful striped sweater.

    1. Thank you :) yeah, I would like to have that sweater
