Ovo je mala zanimacija koja mi je pre neko vreme pala na pamet, zapravo razmisljala sam kako da uvek imam cvece u torbi!To je jedna od onih malih stvari koja me cini srecnom: odlazak na pijacu i biranje svezeg cveca. Posto cvece bez vode ne opstaje:) odlucila sam da napravim velike priveske za kljuceve sa cvecem koji ce mi uvek vireti iz torbe...(a i tako ne moram da bunarim po torbi da ih nadjem, na dohvat ruke su mi:)crveni za kucu, zuti za studio-nikad lakse)
This is a little project I was pondering, a few days ago when I was returning from the market with beautiful fresh flowers. I thought to myself that I would always love to have flowers in my bag! It's just one of those little things that makes you happy. Since flowers and water can't be separated, I decided to make realy large keychains out of fake flowers, taht would always stick out, and make it really easy to find your keys too(red roses are house keys, yellow for the studio-piece of cake:))
I bilo je nikad lakse napraviti(sa malo zelene zice)! Samo mi je zao sto nisam nasla cvece koje deluje malo prirodnije-ali od sad ce mi to biti misija!
And it was more than easy to make(with a little green wire)! I only regret not finding more natural looking flowers- but from now on that will be my mission:)

A kad se stigne kuci cvetici idu u svoju vazu- ili u mom slucaju teglu.
And when you get home- the flowers go in their vase- or in my case a jar.
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