Monday, June 3, 2013

Interior inspiration: When trees enter the interior!

Kada drvece udje u enterijer moze da se dobije taj prefinjeni efekat sjedinjavanja sa prirodom. Nije uvek tako, ali potrudila sam se da nadjem primere koji funkcionisu, barem ja tako mislim.

When trees enter the interior one gets a great feeling of being one with the nature. That's maybe not always the case, but I tried to find examples that work, at least I think so.

 BAK Architects- inovative companionship of nature and architecture.

Inovativno partnerstvo prirode i arhitekture.

Ovo je Centar za kulturu i umetnost u Roterdamu, koju su radili Onno Donkers studio. Pametno su skoristili postojece besonske stubove i stilizovali ih u drvece. Dodavanjem grana i zelenih ploca u spustenom plafonu postigni su uverljiv efekat drveca, a u isto vreme nije preterano.

The Art and Culture Building in Rotterdam— the firm Onno Donkers used  existing concrete columns to their advantage by turning them into trees. By adding additional branches and green tiles in the drop ceiling, the tree effect is convincing without being too much.

Pons + Huot office work area interior design.

Enterijer kancelarijskog prostora.

Ovaj lepi enterijer  “Office Greenhouse” u Rigi je delo OpenAD.

This beautiful interior design called “Office Greenhouse” in Riga, Latvia is the work of OpenAD.

Ova drvolika struktura koja "raste" iz stolova je delo Spanskih arhitekata Estudio Nômada i njihove prelepe kantine koja treba da ostavi utisak kao da smo napolju dok jedemo. Drvece koje se prostire kroz prostor "raste"iz nogu stolova, a u isto vreme je noseca struktura za svetla.

The tree-like sculptures growing out of the tables in this canteen by Spanish architects Estudio Nômada are meant to remind diners of eating outdoors.The legs of the dining tables extend upwards to form stylised trees, which also have lights on top.

Ovo je Garden Tree House u Kagawa, Japanu sacinjena od strane Hironaka Ogawa Associates.  Hteli su da spase drvece koje je raslo na prostoru gde je novi deo kuce trebalo da se izgradi. Drvece nije moglo da ostane, ali je sevuvano i  repozicionirano nakon susenja i repariranja. Postalo je kljucni deo prostorija u vidu stubova, koji se prostiru kroz dnevnu sobu, trpezariju i kuhinju.

This is the Garden Tree House in Kagawa, Japan created by Hironaka Ogawa Associates.  They wanted to keep the trees without them being an obstacle in building the house. They were smoked and dried from the water content and put the as a focal point in the new structure. Trees were beautifully placed where they used to stand and turned into main structural columns in the center of the living room, dining room and kitchen.

  Yung Ho Chang i njegova intervencija na Villa Shizilin.

Yung Ho Chang and his intervention on Villa Shizilin.

Ovo je rad Chang Architects koji su uspesno sjedinili razlicite materijale, i time napravili jedinstven "eco-living" ugodjaj. Biljke se prostiru svuda kroz enterijer, i ostavljaju jedinstven utisak.

This is the work of Chang Architects they sucessfully overllaped different materials giving an amazing eco-living experience. The plant life in this unique environment exist throughout the home, giving a one of a king impression.

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