Cliff Mills je Americki ilustrator specijalizovan za editorijale, pop art, ilustracije inspirisane putovanjima i arhitekturom grada. Karakteristicno za njega je nizak horizont i veliko nebo, a kaze da je Arizona dosta uticala na njega. Boje su uglavnom izvucene iz plave palete, sa detaljima crvene, roze ili ljubicaste.
Cliff Mills is American illustrator from Arizona. He's specialized in editorials, pop art, t-shirt design, architectural illustrations etc. His work is heavily influenced by his home state of Arizona so you can often see low horizon and big sky. His colors are mostly variations of blue color with some red, pink and purple accents.
Jonny Wan is an illustrator born in Sheffield, but currently he lives in Manchester. He works across advertising, editorial, publishing, fashion and product design. He uses simple elements and carefully chosen colors to create his final work. Compositions are often simetrical and looks like patterns.

Dan Matutina is illustrator and designer from Philippines. His mixing hand made and digital, clean and dirty, old and modern aesthetics. He combines different textures and together with an excellent stylized forms, he makes great atmospheric illustrations.
Alexandra Ball je ilustratorka decijih knjiga. Inspirisana je selom, njenim najranijim secanjima na detinjstvo. Uglavnom su na njenim ilustracijama zivotinje koje interaktuju sa decom. Boje su prilicno svedene, s obzirom na to da se za decije ilustracije cesto koriste intenzivnije boje, ali to mi je definitivno plus kod nje a i inace. Njene ilustracije nastaju prvo rucno, olovkom a zatim ih oslikava digitalno.
Alexandra Ball is illustrator of children's books and little bit more, as she likes to say. She's inspired by her earliest childhood memories, country side, her brother etc. There are almost always animals on her illustrations and that makes me happy. They freely interact whit children. Her colors and less intensive then you should expect from children book, but that's definitely a plus.
Sjajan gif Rebeke Mok
Great gif made by Rebbeca Mock
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