Riccardo Guasco je italijanski ilustrator i umetnicki direktor. Igra se sa raznim paternima, kombinuje geometrijske oblike i valere crvene, oker, sive.. Radio je dosta ilustracija za decu, putovao i zaustavljao se na raznim mestima kako bi se inspirisao. Trenutno radi kao profesor grafickog dizajna i informatike.
Riccardo Guasco is an illustrator and Art direcotr from Italy, but he was born in Alexandria. He plays with different patterns, combines geometrial objects and most of the time, he uses different kinds of red, ocher, gray.. He did a lot of illustrations for children books and at the moment he works as a proffesor of graphic design and informatics.
Gracia Lam je rodjena u Hong Kongu, ali je ubrzo presla da zivi u Torontu, gde i sada zivi i radi. Njena dela su puna fantasticnih situacija i likova, nadrealnih kompozicija sa umirujucom paletom boja. Kako ona sama kaze, voli da svakodnevno istrazuje svet oko sebe, otkriva nove prirodne oblike a zatim to sve prebaci na papir.
Gracia Lam was born in Hong Kong but she was raised in Toronto. Her works contains fantastic sutations and characters, surreal compositions with calming colors. She says that she likes to einvent everyday objects and mundane environments.
Jesse Lefkowitz pravi sjajne ilustracije, veoma lepo stilizovane i oslikane. Radio je ilustracije i reklame za dosta magazina. Njegova dela se krecu u rangu od pojednostavljenih, stilizovanih ilustracija do kompozicija sa puno detalja, boja.
Jesse Lefkowitz does very nice illustrations, excellently stylized. He did a lot of illustrations and comercials for different magazines. He does both very minimalistic illustrations and illustrations with lots of details and colors.
Matthew Hollister je ilustrator cija dela takodje sadrze jako lepe stilizovane kompozicije, cesto kriticki natrojene, uglavnom se tu provlaci par boja, cesto osnovnih. Ima prijatnu atmosferu na svojim delima. Od 2010. radi u svom dizajn studiju i najcesce prikazuje svoja dela u magazinima, radi za razne firme i brendove po celom svetu.
Matthew Hollister is an illustrator with a lot of nice stylized objects, often with a critical tone. Most of the time he uses primary colors and illustrations have beautiful atmosphere. Since 2010 he has practiced out of his own office in Seattle Washington, creating work for publications, agencies, firms, and brands around the world.
Riccardo Guasco is an illustrator and Art direcotr from Italy, but he was born in Alexandria. He plays with different patterns, combines geometrial objects and most of the time, he uses different kinds of red, ocher, gray.. He did a lot of illustrations for children books and at the moment he works as a proffesor of graphic design and informatics.
Gracia Lam je rodjena u Hong Kongu, ali je ubrzo presla da zivi u Torontu, gde i sada zivi i radi. Njena dela su puna fantasticnih situacija i likova, nadrealnih kompozicija sa umirujucom paletom boja. Kako ona sama kaze, voli da svakodnevno istrazuje svet oko sebe, otkriva nove prirodne oblike a zatim to sve prebaci na papir.
Gracia Lam was born in Hong Kong but she was raised in Toronto. Her works contains fantastic sutations and characters, surreal compositions with calming colors. She says that she likes to einvent everyday objects and mundane environments.
Jesse Lefkowitz pravi sjajne ilustracije, veoma lepo stilizovane i oslikane. Radio je ilustracije i reklame za dosta magazina. Njegova dela se krecu u rangu od pojednostavljenih, stilizovanih ilustracija do kompozicija sa puno detalja, boja.
Jesse Lefkowitz does very nice illustrations, excellently stylized. He did a lot of illustrations and comercials for different magazines. He does both very minimalistic illustrations and illustrations with lots of details and colors.
Matthew Hollister is an illustrator with a lot of nice stylized objects, often with a critical tone. Most of the time he uses primary colors and illustrations have beautiful atmosphere. Since 2010 he has practiced out of his own office in Seattle Washington, creating work for publications, agencies, firms, and brands around the world.
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