Saturday, May 4, 2013

1st of May Brestovik.

1. Maj praznik radnika a pogotovo neradnika... Proveli smo ga u Brestoviku, nadomak Grocke, na lepom plavom Dunavu.

1st of may,when the working folk take time off and the lazy get lazier, in other words: BARBECUE TIME! We went out of the city to a lovely little place Brestovik, on the Danube shore.

Ovo preslatko imanje vec generacijama predstavlja oazu mira od gradske vreve. Sa pogledom koji oduzima dah, i velikom bastom punom kako pitomog tako i divljeg rastinja, savrseno je mesto za rostiljski vikend.

This beautiful estate for generations presented itself as an escape from the chaotic city life. With a breathtaking view and abundance of domestic and wild plants, it was a perfect location for a weekend barbecue.

(Stefan NE pomaze sa pripremom rucka)

(the guy on the right- Stefan- is NOT helping)

Nas prvoklasni rostilj majstor!

Our magnificent barbecue chef!

A posle rucka i malo sagorevanja kalorija...

And after lunch a little calorie burning...

Mi smo uzivali bas...nadam se da cemo se uskoro vratiti na ovo predivno mesto!

We really enjoyed the day and hope to return soon!